Kind Words
I can’t tell you how much your ceremony, wisdom and light filled our hearts. Each one of us are so proud to spread the sacred wisdom of drum frequencies to the planet and all her beings. Thank you doesn’t even describe the gratitude we have for you and the light you sound into the world. You are a blessing and inspiration.
- Katherine
I’m so grateful to have sat in both a rattle birthing and drum birthing ceremony with Mia. Mia creates the most beautiful containers with space to learn, heal, and expand. I so appreciated Mia’s sweet attention to details. Working with intention, specific herbs, and in community really brought our experiences to life. Thank you, Mia!
I am so honored to have been able to work with drum doula Mia Luz in bringing my medicine drum to life. The drum birthing ceremony was one of the most special experiences I have ever taken part in. I am in complete awe of all of the wisdom, reverence, and sacred medicine involved in the process and I'm so grateful that that lives on through my unique drum. Mia is a steward of the medicine of the drum doing incredible work to share it in the good way.
Thank you. I want to share that I have been vibing high all week from the workshop. Many of your messages and teachings activated me. I feel this gift growing within me and I am making a conscious effort to honor my body over my brain this week. Very tough with the kind of job I have but also extremely essential to my survival and Work on this plane in this lifetime. Guides like you have helped me reconcile these things. My drum’s message was “heart over head” and “Equanimity”. I love my drum. She is looking and feeling beautiful today.”
"It's hard to capture the experience of a drum birthing ceremony with Mia in words. It is a transcendent journey filled with magic, beauty, song, community, love and the gift of bringing our hearts to work through our hands to create our sacred drums — all while paying reverence to Mother Earth, the elements and our more-than-human world. Mia is an incandescent teacher, healer and drumdoula. I loved being in her warm, wise and generous presence, listening to her stories, hearing her sing and play her drum and knowing that this was so much more than a workshop. Birthing a drum with her felt like receiving sacred medicine and I'm so excited to see where my drum and I will journey together."
— Naila
“Dear Mia,
It was a lot like a dream. A few series of events and coincidences- and suddenly we are once again in each other’s presence, in sacred space. Mia, sister! It was such a beautiful experience and I am so grateful not only to have spent the day with you but to BE within your work, your love and your creative expression. It was safe, healing, transformative, and deeply joyful! It was empowering and inspiring and now I have new medicine to work with and to bring into this world!Thank you, thank you, thank YOU!
So much Love & Gratitude!
Big Hugs & Blessings All-Ways!!— Steven
I wanted to reach out and tell you how much I enjoyed the Drum Birthing Ceremony I attended at The Sanctuary in September. I am in absolute LOVE with my exquisite Drum and we are harmonizing more and more. I felt that you are a keeper and activator of codes that I had the privilege of receiving with a self-empowerment influence that very much resonated with me. I really admire a teacher/leader that reminds everyone of their own knowing and power. Thank you for that as well.
– Katherine
“Thank you for a truly once in a lifetime experience! The atmosphere and setting was magical, created with so much love. I feel very connected to my drum - it was a definite birthing experience. May our paths cross again, and journeys be safe, prosperous...always eternal.”
— John
“I am in love with the new drum! That was truly an exceptional experience and I am so very thankful for your time, energy, experience and love shared in making the drum! A great big mahalo to you and your daughter!”
— Amie
“The drum has always been fascinating to me both as a musical object and a sacred instrument. Experiencing a sacred circle of women led by Mia Luz was incredibly impactful. Learning the history of the drum, the tradition and the connection was more than I anticipated. Birthing a drum is one of the most sacred experiences I have had on my spiritual journey. The connection to the animal spirit, the history of women, the women sharing the experience and holding space for each other and Mia’s expertise and energy is something I will cherish. The connection to my drum and the associated animal spirit is beyond explanation and something you have to experience to appreciate. Mia is masterful at guiding the process, connecting each person to their piece and attuning the instrument created. I highly recommend creating your own drum with Mia, the experience is unique, energizing and profound. These are instruments of healing, you will know that when you hold your drum every time you engage with it.”
— Kath
“Being in Mia’s drum making class was a magical experience that felt like going way back in time. The material was sacred and working with my hands and the hide together awakened my connections to my ancestors as well as my personal connection to mother earth.
Creating my drum together with a group of beautiful strangers (who quickly became friends) felt like coming home. Mia shares her voice,
skills and heart so openly. Her passion and love for this craft is inspiring and I am very grateful that my husband and I got to be apart it.”— Cassie
“Birthing this drum was/is a favorite day in my life, for the joy of our group that came together in community, like touching base with soul family, and the miraculous creation that the journey was! Deep love and gratitude for sharing this gift with us, your sisters and brothers of humanity.”
— Christianna
“You can make a drum but why not birth a drum. This is what happens when you sign up for a workshop with Drum Doula Mia Luz. Over the course of the day Mia will assist you in pulling into our physical world from the etheric energies of our Universe & loving Spirit Helpers a Sacred Drum.”
— Brittany
”Mia first creates a loving, Spirit-filled space for her students. She uses her intuition throughout the day to a very high degree to create the highest, purest energy space from which we will draw from. I am inspired by her intuition and her caring for each student. Mia’s gifts are many-fold; not just a Drum Doula she is also a heart centered, loving leader holding much wisdom without ego. She is generous in her sharing and giving of herself. Like a walk in the Forest, you come out with a gift, something you didn’t have when you entered.”— Linda
”This drum is a gift from the Creator, who has been waiting for the time to be right to give this gift to you. And Mia takes you to the path where you will find this gift, the Sacred Heartbeat of the Mother, your Drum.”— Kelly
“Mia’s wisdom of such ancient technology is powerful. She is powerful and gentle guiding you through each step of the drum birthing process with such sacredness. Her guidance and space holding allows you to naturally infuse your own medicine into each of the materials used in creating your own drum. It’s such a special gift to have her medicine, magic and passion integrated into my drum as well. So grateful to Mia for creating a workshop where “regular folk,“ who heard the call to drum but weren’t sure where to start, felt part of such an ancient, sacred ritual. Thank you thank you thank you!!”
— Amber
“I purchased a drum years ago that looks beautiful and sounds beautiful, but it never felt right when I played it. It didn’t fit my hand and it was too heavy and something didn’t feel quite right. I would often rattle rather than drum even when I had my drum right next to me. I had heard great things about Mia and her drum birthing ceremony from a trusted friend, so I signed up. I had hopes that I would leave the workshop with a drum that I liked better than the one I already had. What I didn’t expect was that I would start receiving valuable teachings about the drum before even arriving at the workshop and that those teachings would continue throughout and after the workshop. I also didn’t expect that Mia would provide us with the highest quality materials and an explanation for how she obtains each piece of the drum. From the handmade cedar ring that is made from salvaged wood by a man in Canada to the skins that are obtained from a good source, to the string which is from the same skin to create harmony within the drum and is hand cut by Mia, everything is top quality and will last for generations to come. But that’s not all. The group ceremony is powerful and her instructions are very clear. The process led me to feeling a deep bond with my drum, which was completely unexpected. The drum is BEAUTIFUL and Mia infused it with vibrations from her drum that go all the way back to the first drums of the Ojibwe people. I left the ceremony with an amazing instrument and I was given very clear instructions on how to allow the drum to dry and then wake it up in a good way. Once I played my drum for the first time, I was blown away by how beautiful it looks, feels, and sounds. I feel deeply grateful for the entire journey of birthing my drum and of connecting with Mia and her lineage. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Aho.”
— Kristin
“The medicine drum birthing ceremony is a precious gift! Under the wise guidance of Mia, we weaved threads of love into existence to create magnificent drums! Through her sustainable and ethical practices aligned with natural cycles, Mia is a bearer of the sacred connection to Mother Earth. Every beat is a gentle reminder that we are all connected through our hearts! A word of gratitude to you Mia for guiding us on this journey towards love!”
— Myriam
“If you ever get the opportunity to attend a drum ceremony with Mia, seize it! It is truly an unforgettable experience.”
— Amy
“Thank you Mia for rich and deep guidance on birthing my first drum. Thank you for holding a space of ease, love, and bright creativity. I had the best time!”
— Kristina
“I am in love with my drum! Birthing a drum, just like birth, is a wild process, at least it was for me, and unique to each one of us. I can’t imagine having a more loving, patient, courageous guide. Mia’s power is in her confidence, her deep trust and understanding of the process. The process is not up to us. A drum and the materials in which we use to birth a drum are living/breathing entities. We are living/breathing entities and in order to awaken to the power of this tool, I needed to let go and trust myself in partnership with these organic materials. A drum is a tool to magnify my voice and power in its purest most divine essence, it is important to have a guide who understands this and holds a pure container. Mia does this effortlessly and without interference. I left with this profound experience and connection to my process of birthing and excitement and courage around growing in connection with this powerful tool. I love how Mia paved a path of listening and unfoldment.”
— Lucy
“Mia Luz for me is the embodiment of spirit. Masterful with the material realm, birthing drums and making rattles and beautiful things. But the true magic is being in the stillness of her magic for that is where the alchemy occurs.”
— Tammi
“Mia brought with her a deep sense of respect for the process, guiding us all with skill, knowledge, patience and most of all, an open heart. She showed us how to honor mother nature, including the elk whose hides we used to create our drums. Her obvious passion for this craft was apparent – and she ignited in each of us an equal passion to create, to make music and to revel in the wild forces of nature that brought us together that day. It wasn’t just a making – it was a birthing. With the loving guidance and support of this beautiful drum doula (Mia), we each birthed a drum filled with spirit and handcrafted with love.”
— Paula
“From start to finish, the Medicine Drum Birthing ceremony with Mia was an incredible experience. Each part of the ceremony is extremely thoughtful, bringing us back to our Mother Earth. All the materials used are sustainably sourced. The drum itself is made from the same animal (both the hide & laces) so I was able to really connect and feel the spirit of my grand Elk. Mia explains how the beat of the drum is in resonance with Pachamama and also carries a vibration that’s unique to us. I felt this so deeply in my heart as I was birthing my drum. Throughout the ceremony each of us would tell a story or share a song and it was beautiful to feel the weaving of the drums/energy. One of my favorite parts of the birthing ceremony was after 7 days when it was time to awaken my drum. Mia shares a beautiful drum awakening ritual, which ends full circle by offering back part of the drum (umbilical cord) to Mother Earth. Wow I can’t recommend this ceremony enough and I’m so excited to make music with my drum for life. Thank you Mia for this beautiful experience!”
— Andrea
“Making a drum with Mia was a profound experience. The prayerful space, center alter and connectivity Mia creates, supports the beautiful, vulnerable and sacred work of birthing a drum. The transfer of the drum beat from her lineage and drum to the newly formed drums in our workshop was deeply moving. Thank you Mia for sharing this beat and holding this work in such a sacred and cherished way.”
“Mia, this experience was wild and holy. Thank you for guiding me through this deep personal process and for taking such care and for leading with such compassion. I love my drum and feel deeply grateful.”
— Ghadi
“So much gratitude pours out from my Heart to you for creating the amazing Sacred Space and accompanying workshop this past Saturday. As my Drum rests this third day (and me too; i was wiped out come Sunday!) i think of you and how happy i am to have found you. You give a lot to our World and i am thankful.”
— L.T.
“Such a beautiful workshop! I am deeply in love with my new drum. The creation was so beautifully guided by you and I feel like I would not have had a better drum doula. I am deeply grateful to you, your heart and your spirit. Aho xxoo”
— Colleen
“We are in the loving arms of the #drumdoula, out of time and space. The altar is alive and the river is flowing out our window. #elkskin #drummedicine #sacredrattle #sage #waterblessing #waterislife”
— Anonymous
”Thank you from the bottom of my heart for guiding me to birth my new baby drum. I feel like she holds so much power from your beautiful energy. This was beyond what I expected. With so much gratitude.”— Liane
“This was one of the coolest experiences I’ve had!”
— Julie
”Mia brought her mystical knowledge to the class, letting us know about the ancient traditions of drum making, and I really liked hearing about all the work that goes into creating a drum. It was incredible to consider how many hands went into providing the materials for this — the person making the drum frame, the person who hunted the animal, skinned it, etc. There is a lot of preparation for this class, and having the right connections to the right people to order everything well in advance is much appreciated. It is no small feat!”— Alison
”Mia guided us step-by-step in the creation process, and I must say I am so happy with how it turned out! I don’t even touch raw meat, and here I was touching a raw animal’s hide for hours! The process made me feel so connected to the drum because it’s so hands on, and my energy was able to connect with nature’s energy throughout the drum making process. I left this class with so much gratitude for Mia’s knowledge and passing along her wisdom to us in such a sacred way. You’ll enjoy the process experiencing a piece of Native American traditional culture. Thank you!”— Melissa
“‘’My ceremonies are not the same... My new drum is a vessel that carries my soul to its primal root. It is a solid and a strong tool.
Thanks to Mia, thanks to her patience, her presence, her strength.”— Eric
“This class has been one of the most loving classes I have ever attended. You have a gift of communicating and teaching. I liked the way you included everyone. Thank you for helping me stay on the path. It’s been an Awe Some class.”
— Martha
“Mia is truly a drumdoula! Her way of beauty is amazing and her open heart a gift to the circle.”
— Everett
“This drum birthing was once of the best experiences of my life. To spend a day with such beautiful souls honoring ALL that IS was so humbling and I have so much gratitude. Words cannot express it. I wouldn’t change a thing about the day. Thank you thank you thank you.”
— Christina
”Thank you, Mia, for this experience. You were very accepting of individual variations. This made it a deeply personal journey of birth.”— Janet
“Mia has the gift of being both shaman and teacher. She allows each student/workshop participant the chance to explore her own medicine while feeling deeply supported. It’s rare to find a medicine woman who also teaches well. Mia is the perfect blend of both. I highly recommend her workshop to anyone.”
— Anonymous
“Thorough, knowledgeable yet spiritual and inspiring!”
— Jennifer
“I want to thank you for an absolutely incredible day and experience yesterday. You offered not just your knowledge and wisdom but your kindness, warmth and patience. You held space for everyone regardless of experience and skill. Your clear respect for the animals and the process made such an impact on me and I am so looking forward to bringing this medicine into the world.”
— Karen
“What a beautiful day! So blessed and in awe of the creativity and beauty. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
— Bruce
“Thank you so much for your beautiful energy and patience. It is truly a gift of love.”
— Heidi
“I was so impressed with Mia’s mindful presence and awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings. We not only crafted a drum together, but journeyed into the origin of the hide, sapplings and all of the materials used. Mia is a true teacher.”
— Kristy Zadrozny, herbalist, doula www.saltwomanapothecary.com
“Loveeeeee my rattle. Love that it has been blessed with your grace and beauty.”
— Lisa
“A wonderful day! Completely organized. Flow was seamless, so glad I had this opportunity to make healing tools! Loved being in your energy and learning from your experience.”
— Luann
“Mia, you are a treasure!
The day was perfect, your descriptions, your reverence, the offering table. And you organized the materials and the schedule to perfection. Thank you! Jonathan”— Jonathan
“This time together was fun, sweet and lesson filled. You’re a wonderful teacher, thank you for this experience in community.”
— Rachel
“Thank you so much for your beautiful energy and patience. It is truly a gift of love.”
— Eva
“Thank you for a beautiful and meaningful day. I feel this is the first day of a journey I am looking forward to the future sights and discoveries.”
— Regina
“Wonderful Day! So powerful to make my own drum and rattle.”
— Justin
“Thank you Mia for an absolutely wonderful and enlightening class! You were well prepared and very enthusiastic. You really love the Native American tradition. And I am so grateful that you showed your knowledge with us.”
— Ginny
“I feel blessed to have tangible creation that represents the heart of the earth. Something I can play and work with is more meaningful than just the idea of journeying or shamanic healing. We had everything that we needed for creating all of our tools. And such loving guidance and instruction!”
— Kathy
“This day surpassed my expectations. I know this is my drum, rattle, sticks, bell. The meditative aspects were right on target. The organic nature without as much structure as I am used to was good too. I’ve been working on letting my inner drummer be my teacher and I am not always trusting of it. But today I made a great leap with it.”
— Mary Anne
“This was such a fantastic day! I was expecting to only make a drum so the click sticks and the rattle were such a wonderful surprise! The day felt very abundant. So many different types of materials (and energies) to work with. You’re a lovely and potent teacher and I so very appreciate you wisdom.”
— Lisa
“Wonderful workshop, I will be eternally grateful. My drum showed me joyous dancing and singing already.”
— Anonymous
“Thank you for a healing day. These medicines speak to me and will heal me and help me unlock my tongue and thorax chakra to share truth and healing, love and light with others.”
— Danielle
“Thank you for a lovely class, for the breathing of my drum. I am very impressed by your grace you bring to the class you have created. It is truly a gift. Our paths will, I hope cross again, and I look forward to this happening.”
— Mariam
“Dear Mia, Thank you! Was a powerful and empowering day. I am feeling blessed to have been here. Your teachings are coming through you so clearly. Learned so much. Very clearly in line with what I am eager to grow into. So cool, thank you!!!”
— Sage
“There are no words to describe or name the gift that you have offered to us these past two days. It is like the most beautiful of truths. Thank you for your generosity and sparkling joy. Thank you for amplifying in us the eternal beat that connects us to earth, each other and the ever present time. Thank you for your reminder of importance and magic in ritual. Thank you for being you. Every moment was perfect.”
— Heather
“Mia, it was a wonderful workshop. It is amazing to be able to connect with this medicine in such a respectful and profound way. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and for being so generous about it. I am leaving with my heart full of joy and love.”
— Dakota
“This class was a very powerful experience for me. I felt very connected to myself, others and mother earth. I felt I was able to escape and let go of my residual anxieties from the city and welcome in love, peace and happiness. Your level of instruction was perfect. I felt your guidance but also felt my own space to create and express my feminine energy. Thank you for facilitating such a beautiful and powerful experience.”
— Eliza“Dear Mia,
Your workshop is a mind opener and a heart grounded experience.
Thank you for sharing the spiritual space through your drum teachings.
Keep on the good red road.”— Rider
“I loved the natural flow and organic feel of your ceremony. Loved the concept of playing ancient energies into new drums to pass on an eternal wisdom and reconnecting tool. Thank you for sharing yourself.”
— Alexis
“An amazing day with Mia filled with tradition, music, spirituality and love. The experience will live on in the drum we birthed. Many Thanks”
— Greg
“A beautifully serendipitous sequence of events enabled me to have the honor of learning from the greatest! Mia, your knowledge, utmost care and attention to detail without obliterating the greater meaning of what we’re making and why, has made this workshop on of the most memorable and beautiful I’ve had the pleasure to attend!”
— Alicia
“Beloved Mia,
From the first e-mail from you I felt at home. When meeting you it only got better… The entire experience was exceeding expectations! I feel I learned SO much, and enjoyed every moment. What I get to take with me today to my journey is much more than the drums we made. Please keep doing what you are doing spreading knowledge and LOVE.”— Taly
“Mia, It was a wonderful wonderful day. I’m so grateful to finally have MY drum. It will accompany me, and guide me. Help me connect with mother earth, with the wisdom of my heart. And I owe it to you and your beautiful way of leading us to birth our drums. So Thank You! Than You from the bottom of my heart.”
— Nati
“Mia, I simply wish to thank you here in writing and pass on infinite blessings. Your spirit will play through me in connection with the medicine drum. Blessed Be.”
— Daniel