Assisting in the birth of organic New Earth.
Amplifying the original Heartbeat.
Raising the collective vibration through the Akashic records, Drumbirthing Ceremonies and my Drums.
Holding ancient codes for a New time, My offerings have manifested after many cycles of death and rebirth. Initiations into higher timelines and gnosis. Bringing through an array of traditions, I call it my own potpourri, all originating from and beyond the seeding of this planet. The drums I facilitate birthing are but reminders of that original heartbeat. The heartbeat of our Earth Star, re-connecting us with our Highest Selves to act as the bridge between Spirit and Matter, Earth and the Most High. All which reside in the Akashic field that I am intimately connected to. My vision is to empower humanity from within. Empower in a way that heals and mends our Earth Mother, and with Her, all of Her inhabitants.
Why Drumdoula?
A Doula is someone who supports the mother during childbirth.
In childbirth, we cannot plan the process or the outcome. Birthing your own drum is similar. It is an organic unfolding of energies, beings and the building blocks involved. The day of labor and birthing will take on its own unique energy. Bringing through new heartbeats for our evolution, individually and collectively. Gracefully held in a container of Love, everything is welcome and provided. Just like a birth doula.
And no matter what, one will love the new being unconditionally and grow, evolve and learn with it.