Choosing Drum Size

The size of the drum is only one factor in the sound. Hide thickness, tightness, weather (temperature and humidity), mallet texture/hardness etc. all play a part in the sound of each drum. There is no exact recipe for a particular sound… Their personalities vary greatly, this is where trust and surrender to the perfection of the Divine comes in. And… the power of bringing your own drum through, imprints it with your very own heart-resonance. That said, technically, a larger drum will reverberate at a deeper level than a small drum.

Another factor to take into consideration is weight. If you will be using your drum for Shamanic Journeying, (the Eagle beat 180 beats/min) and holding it for long periods of time, a lighter, smaller drum might be better. For resonance and music, a larger drum is more suited. As far as relationship to your height/weight, I think that is a personal decision. I am 5’2 and mostly use an 18” or 20” drum.


elk drum

This is the 12” drum,  the smallest drum I offer and is perfect for younger people or someone who wants to easily bring their drum everywhere. Despite their convenient size they hold a resonant sound and a large capacity to hold prayers.

(for sale only, not available at workshops)

deer drum

The 14” drum is versatile, lightweight and easily fits into a carry-on luggage for travel. If you are planning on drumming for long periods of time, weight matters. Powerful sound. This is the smallest drum I offer in my workshops.

deer drum

This is the 16” medium size drum I offer in my workshops, that said it is the medial between 14” and 18” (smiles)

buffalo drum

This 18” drum is larger and therefore heavier to hold for long periods of time. Due to its size, the resonance and sound is striking. It holds vast power.

elk drum

This 20” size is special order and is a statement in itself. The sound is potent, resonant, strong and solid. And of course, due to its size, it weighs a bit more.

(for sale only, not available at workshops)


The way I lace my drums in the back came through an organic unfolding whereby the significance of every detail was taken into account, working with the four directions, the elements, and the unseen beings that continually teach and guide me. It simulates the circle of life and the guiding medicine wheel. Between the four directions, the sacred geometry becomes an activation that creates a bridge between Spirit and matter. The 16 spokes reduces to seven (1+6=7), the sacred number that connects us to Spirit.

It has become my “signature lacing” & has been steady for about a decade now, but who knows, I might just get shown something other one day…



drum lacing